Sun, Feb 16, 2025

Vol 1 issue 2


21 Powerful Sales Techniques (Backed by Scientific Research)

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, The Buyers Brain!

21 Powerful Sales Techniques (Backed by Scientific Research)

You’ve heard it before; the best sales reps are born winners.


A Letter from the CEO

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, NIADA Update

A Letter from the CEO

April marks my sixth month as the chief executive officer of NIADA.



Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Smart Dealer Product


Providing companies with a concierge experience to help them find the best business-class services available


How to get DMV services amid staff shortage in busy summer

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Featured Story

How to get DMV services amid staff shortage in busy summer

Staff shortages at Oregon DMV offices are forcing the agency to temporarily reduce business hours at 10 of its 60 field offices and temporarily close six smaller offices.


Keep Your Dealership Compliant with the FTC's Safeguards Requirements-- SIGN UP TODAY!

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Featured Story

Keep Your Dealership Compliant with the FTC's Safeguards Requirements-- SIGN UP TODAY!

Oregon IADA will host an online Compliance Course for all Oregon Dealers and will be available beginning July 15th, 2022.  All Dealers must be compliant by June 9, 2023 (or face a fine up to $4,000!) This course is worth 1 credit of Continuing Education.


Legislative Priorities

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Legislative Update

Legislative Priorities

Electric and autonomous vehicle legislation must preserve state vehicle franchise laws and consumer affordability.


Live Video Walk-Arounds in a Post-Pandemic World

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Smart Dealer University

Live Video Walk-Arounds in a Post-Pandemic World

Live video walkarounds are an easy and fast way to get consumers emotionally attached to a vehicle.


NVP Warranty

Categories // Vendor Spotlight, Vol 1 issue 2

NVP Warranty

NVP Warranty was founded by the owners of auto dealerships, so they understand the importance of working with reliable quality service contract providers.


Scammers Set Their Sights on Small Businesses

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, F&I Corner

Scammers Set Their Sights on Small Businesses

Let’s start with a number: 4.7 million.


The ‘New Normal’ of Vehicle Hygiene

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Featured Story

The ‘New Normal’ of Vehicle Hygiene

COVID-19 has changed our world – including, of course, the auto industry.


These Are the Most Widely Believed Wrong Car Myths, According to You

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Mythbusters

These Are the Most Widely Believed Wrong Car Myths, According to You

Leaving your wiper blades up in the snow ain't the only point of contention in the car world.


Used Vehicle Spotlight on the 2004-2006 Pontiac GTO

Categories // Vol 1 issue 2, Dealer-Palooza

Used Vehicle Spotlight on the 2004-2006 Pontiac GTO

These bargain-priced muscle cars pack plenty of performance.

Oregon Independent Automobile Dealers Association
Serving the Oregon Independent Dealers Since 1948

The Board




