Sun, Feb 16, 2025

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Adopted May 10th, 1999

OIADA strives to serve our dealers' daily needs, plan for the future of our industry by anticipating change and being proactive for the benefit of customers, employees and dealers.


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OIADA has been the Association for the Independent Auto Dealer since January 24, 1948. During these 60+ years, the changes that have occurred in our industry have been many and somewhat overwhelming at times.

The Oregon Independent Auto Dealers Association is the only true association and one of its kind in the state; and is owned by its 500+ dealer and associate members. This association is backed by a National Independent Auto Dealers Association with new Federal Advocates now on the hill in Washington DC.  In addition, OIADA is the only association for the independent dealer that is operated by its own industry professional dealers and elected board members.

Our role in the legislature has grown as well. OIADA has come a long way from hoping things would go our way, and having an employee represent us in our interests, to now having a professional lobbyist representing us. Our success in the 2005 session speaks for itself. For more information about our lobbyist and legislative activities give us a call or check the Oregon Dealer News, formerly the Squeaky Wheel magazine during the legislative session.

Proof of just how far we have come is OIADA's new building. On January 28, 2005 we moved in to our own new building! This is quite an accomplishment for a non-profit association. Again, this would not have been possible without the continued support of our many members, associate members and other businesses that support us in one manner or another

Oregon Independent Automobile Dealers Association
Serving the Oregon Independent Dealers Since 1948

The Board




